Florence Private Guide

Florence Private GuideThe Duomo (Cathedral)

The length for this private tour of the Duomo of Florence is 1 hour.

Discounted tour rates in euro, per group
1-2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people
64,00 74,00 84,00 94,00 104,00 114,00

Accepted Payment Methods

A Visit to Florence’s amazing Cathedral

It is not true that the interior of the Duomo in Florence is spartanly comparing to the other churches. The interior was absolutely functional to both the religious and political requirements of an important city as Florence was in the Middle Ages.

The first stone was laid on Sept. 8Th, 1296 by Arnolfo di Cambio. Sept. 8th is the day and month of the birth of the Madonna. The Duomo is dedicated to her and her Son.

The Duomo was finished in the ’70s of 1400 about 170 years later, with the placement of the copper ball on Brunelleschi’s dome (or we should say Brunelleschi’s domes because the domes are 2, an interior dome and an outer dome).

The fresco decoration of the dome

The surface of the interior dome is the largest area decored with a fresco… about 38.750 square feet.

( the vault of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, is about 5.920 square feet !! ).

The stained glass windows

The interior of the Duomo receives the daylight through 44 stained glass windows realized by excellents glaziers between 1300 and 1400 thanks to the drawings made by some of the most important artists such as Ghiberti, Donatello, Paolo Uccello.

Stronger together

The cathedral hosts a very significant example of how two different styles and techniques can even receive more strength from living side by side, I’m talking about the amazing mosaic with the Coronation of Mary by Gaddo Gaddi (early 1300) gladdened by painted Musical Angels by Santi di Tito ( late 1500).

Do you still think that the interior of our cathedral is spartan?

FAQ about Florence’s Cathedral Private Tour

Do we need to buy a ticket to enter the cathedral?

No, you don’t, the entrance is free.

Do we need to reserve the entrance to the church in advance?

No, you don’t, it is not possible at all to reserve the entrance since it is free.

Can we arrange this tour shorter than 1 hour?

Of course, you can, all my tours are tailor-made.

Can we mix this tour with other tours?

Yes, you can.

Can we book only this 1 hour tour with you?

It would be great if you book also another tour, maybe the Baptistery Tour or the museum of the Duomo Tour 🙂

Do we need to dress appropriately for a church?

Yes, you do, legs up to the knee and shoulders must be covered.

Can we climb the dome once we are into the cathedral?

No, you can’t, the entrance to climb the dome is not the same entrance to enter the cathedral. To climb the dome you need a ticket.

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